How Facebook scales AI Qualcomm's snapdragon 865 processor will be launched at the end of the year, with 5G and 4G LTE support Samsung AR glasses patent issued Microchip entered the memory infrastructure market to launch the industry's first commercial serial memory controller Samsung 5nm process adds new progress New SoC chip enters IC market Renesas electronics has launched the ultra-small RX651 32-bit MCU for Internet of things connectivity modules and space-constrained edge devices [Electronics] Candle-driven thermoelectric generator drives fans Huawei has officially confirmed that it will launch a new generation of kirin processors on September 6 ARM architecture has established a complete ecosystem that cannot be replaced at present Buck and boost chip converts 2A up and down for phones From the perspective of performance, Xilinx is the absolute leader in the FPGA market. 350W ac-dc PSUs for industry and healthcare How MIT e-plane works Google introduces a face distortion prevention algorithm for selfie cameras Power semiconductor demand is expected to increase 10-fold in SiC and 60-fold in GaN by 2030 Western data has launched two new Ultrastar storage server platforms for its data center system Fully printed flexible display offers low power for simple IoT devices Texas instruments (TI) new power switching regulator with the lowest static current can extend the battery life of Internet of things design ANA's first A380 aircraft has been tested in Germany for engine testing Huawei has secured 46 commercial 5G contracts
