micro.bit going to Danish schools

micro.bit going to Danish schools

Edith 2018-10-13

Farnell element.14 has begun to ship 65,000 micro:bit  computers to schools in Denmark as part of an order from Boarding on behalf of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation.


The three-year ‘ultra:bit’ programme, will use the micro:bit in the classroom to help transform Danish Year 4 students from passive technology consumers to digital pioneers.

“Programmes like this are essential if we are to break the cycle of ‘ready-made’ technology and prepare a generation of students for a working economy that will value skills such as computational thinking, problem solving and creativity more than ever before,” says Farnell’s Jonathan Smith.

Supplied with support from the Danish Industry Foundation, Industriens Fond, in collaboration with the country’s Centre for Learning Materials, CFU Denmark, the micro:bits will be used to develop the students’ understanding of technology and stimulate their digital creativity.

Source from:electronicsweekly
